
On Thursday myself and Claire, our Head Gardener, will be relocating for a gorgeous day at Bradon Farm.

The Farm extends over several acres and is owned (and created) by Mr and Mrs Thomas Jones. It is said to be an "inspiration and demonstration on the effective use of structure". There is much to see, with topiary in abundance, a parterre, knot garden, pleached lime walk and formal pond as well as herbaceous borders, orchard and wildflower planting.

Before lunch there will also be a talk from Rebecca Pow entitled 'Extraordinary Gardens'. You will be transported from Somerset to Cuba, Quebec, Morocco and back!

The gardens are open 11.30am - 3.30pm, entry is by ticket only - you can get yours by sending a cheque for £12.50 (payable to RNLI) to Mrs Sarah Small, Hammonds, Thornfalcon, Taunton, TA3 5NP. Or for more information email: msresmall@aol.com

Hestercombe Gardens aerial Pawel Borowski DJI 0038

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