Health and wellbeing tips from Hestercombe include a schedule, taking breaks, and simple yoga poses

Photo by Rui Dias from Pexels

Here at Hestercombe we were beginning (pre-lockdown) to establish a number of activities aimed at improving health and wellbeing of our visitors, such as yoga, mindfulness and of course our annual Woodland Wander. Just by coming to visit Hestercombe and enjoying a walk around our 50 acres of gardens you’ll almost certainly experience a positive uplift in your thoughts, emotions and physical health.

We are delighted to share a guest blog post from one of our Visitor Reception staff, Morgan, who is also a qualified yoga instructor. In this post she takes you through a few easy things you can practice each day to keep your mind and body at ease.

Health and Wellbeing Tips: Yoga

by Morgan Lane

Keep a routine

During this current time it’s important to stay level headed and the way I do this is by keeping a routine. This doesn’t have to be daily at first, it may just be setting some times in your week where you do something solely for yourself.

Take regular mental breaks

It is very normal at the moment to let our emotions go on a bit of a roller-coaster so remember to take time out of your day to take a mental break and do something physical. This could be a walk or some kind of other form of exercise.

Some easy yoga poses to try at home

Here are a couple of really achievable poses that are recommended for creating a calmer mindset:

Downward facing dog - Yoga Poses

1. Downward facing dog

Downward facing dog

– Helps relive stress and mild depression
– Strengthens arms and legs
– Energizing for the body

Low lunge yoga pose

2. the low lunge

Low Lunge

– Stetches the hip flexors that can improve posture
– Strengthens and stretches the legs and ankles
– Energizing for the body

Stay safe and keep active!

Find out more

I have set up my own online yoga, fitness and pilates classes for people to keep active at home and it’s also a great way for us to stay connected and talk to other people online so we don’t lose touch.

If you’d like to get in touch regarding online classes please email Morgan.

Hestercombe Gardens aerial Pawel Borowski DJI 0038

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