This weeks plant ID:
We have some larger plants this week so i have had to take several photos!
above: Photinia x fraseri 'Red Robin'
This tough old shrub has new leaves in spring that are bright red. It is evergreen, can make a good hedge and can stand all that british weather has to throw at it!
above from left to right:
Scenecio cineraria- This is planted along some of the grey walk and plat borders for its lovely grey foliage. Its flowers are small yellow daisies- not that pretty, in fact we tend to cut the flower off.
Leucanthemella serotina- This herbaceous perennial is great for late colour. Its tough and doesn't need staking. when the flowers die we just chop it back to ground level and leave it
Erigeron karvinskianus- Also known as Mexican fleabane once you have the plant established it spreads easily around. Getting established can be tricky. Try mixing the seed with moist soil and pressing it into gaps in the walls, or take some moist turf and wrap the roots of the plant in the turf and press into gaps.
Colletia paradoxa- This is a spiky South American plant, almost like a cactus, that will do well in the UK in sheltered positions. At this time of year it produces these little white flowers.
Tetrapanex papyrifer- This is a beast with massive leaves. It is evergreen but can leaf drop in the winter in the UK. It is used to make 'rice' paper and is affectionately known as T-Rex.
Above from left to right:
Fatsia japonica- The castor oil plant has white flowers in spring and black berries in autumn. Its a tough plant and can be coppiced in spring.
X fatshedera lizei- This plant is a genetic mix of Fatsia and Hedera (ivy). It sprawls around the shrubbery. It can climb if trained even though it has very brittle branches.